Terrifying Trend

Thursday, July 16, 2015

This is absolutely terrifying and happening to more and more people…

Rhabdomyolysis – The National Institutes of Health describes the condition as “the breakdown of muscle fibers that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. Myoglobin is harmful to the kidney and often causes kidney damage.” The condition is commonly brought on by excessive physical activity and results when excessive toxins are released into the bloodstream.

  • No pain, no gain. You have to suffer to get in shape.
  • If I don’t almost throw up, I’m holding back too much.
  • You’re only as good as your last workout.


Sore muscles are not always just a symptom of a strenuous exercise – This could potentially be an early sign of a serious medical condition. More and more physicians and trainers started seeing cases of Rhabdomyolysis with the advent of intense conditioning programs like CrossFit, cycling, TRX.

Just because something is “trendy” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Fitness is a lifestyle that greatly affects your health and should be worked at over time. A lot of exercise machines and routines have a number of ‘warnings’ about what strenuous exercise can do to you body and more often than not, people ignore these warnings. Don’t push yourself to the point of exhaustion and breaking because you think it will pay off when instead it might just kill you, or worse (if you can imagine that).

Please, don’t punish your body and overexert yourself by a cleansing/bootcamp crash course. You body has a limit, and yet people pay for trainers and classes to push them past their limit without realizing the potentially fatal harm they are causing. Focus on the long-term results for yourself and your body, not the immediate. As the old saying goes “anything worth having is worth waiting and working for.” Please… be careful, be healthy and listen to your body and yourself. Life is fragile and we’re only just human.

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