Saturday, July 18, 2015

Every day life is made up of a million little situations and things.  Life, it’s short, but it’s the longest thing we have. Even at its most beautiful can be brutally ugly. We will all die, the Stars will fade and everything known will cease to exist, that is certain. It is living that is beautiful. And as human beings, we are able, to the best of our abilities, to live life to the fullest.

One of the biggest struggles in life is the struggle to know, embrace, and accept ourselves, with all of our faults and imperfections. Be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Know your vulnerabilities as well as your strengths and achievements, and learn to love yourself for both.

I don’t know about you, but I’m always trying to live life the best that I can. To be alive is to have experiences – as hard as I try not to, I’m constantly making mistakes (I’m only human), I falter, change my path and direction I life, I judge myself and every move of decision I make while fighting the urge to place that judgment on others.

We all make mistakes which enables us to learn and appreciate our lives – which can often times be difficult, because to be honest, a lot of people do lead difficult lives. People fail all the time, I fail, it just happens, but from hose failures we all learn the greatest lessons for the only true failure is to have never tried.

By taking people and things for granted you can wind up with nothing. And, it’s when you have nothing that you appreciate everything.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

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