Once In A Blue Moon

Friday, July 31, 2015

Lydia Hearst
Tonight’s full moon, the last BLUE MOON until 2018 (partly what makes it so special), is rising in ☆Aquarius☆  – If you don’t already know, a blue moon is the term for the second full moon in the same month. This cosmic event is unprecedented; it’s truly a month of transitions.
Aquarius, the water bearer, brings inklings of expansive vision and a new breath release which comes after facing our struggles. By taking people and things for granted you can wind up with nothing. And, it’s when you have nothing that you appreciate everything.
This moon we are being asked to STOP. Take a look around and to see the bigger picture for what it really is. Change is important and a constant in life, embrace challenges enthusiastically.
Experiences and relationships are paramount, especially right now. As for relationships, because of Venus, the planet of love, going retrograde a week prior to this moon, there will be an extremely heavy and IMPORTANT connection to romantic relationships. This isn’t about just any sort of romance or love though, it is about the kind of love that comes around only “once in a blue moon.” It’s time to conquer obstacles and open yourself up to the possibility of love and admit whatever truth the lies deep within your heart.
Be honest with yourself, reflect upon your decisions made over the course of this past year, and accept life’s transition. There is SO much happening around this moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances.  We all make mistakes which enables us to learn and appreciate our lives – which can often times be difficult, because to be honest, a lot of people do lead difficult lives. People fail all the time, I fail, it just happens. But from those failures, we all learn the greatest lessons for the only true failure is to have never tried. NOW is the time to navigate your life and find balance in your choices; it’s all the little things that are most infinitely important. Always believe in yourself and embrace who you are.

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