5 Surprising Things That Are Aging Your Skin

Monday, June 22, 2015



Falling asleep with your makeup on

Not washing your face before bed can lead to bacterial infections, clogged pores and acne. And, continued cleansing neglect can cause your skin to age up to EIGHT days on one night.

Lydia Hearst


I love my morning coffee, I even enjoy a nice afternoon espresso now and again, but be aware that caffeine is a MAJOR culprit when is comes to dry skin and the magnification of wrinkles. If you are a fellow coffee lover, be sure to hydrate and quench your skin by drinking LOTS of water to counteract the superficial affects of caffeine.

Lydia Hearst

Not Hydrating

It’s always surprising to me when people say that they don’t drink water. As humans, your body is composed of over 60% water. We all NEED to drink water to maintain healthy digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, body temperature and to fight off aging.

Lydia Hearst


Constant cleansing and “yo-yo diets” have MAJOR negative impacts on your skin. This can lead to the breakdown of the natural collagen and elasticity in your skin causing sagging and stretch marks.

Lydia Hearst

Lack of Exercise

It’s important to exercise, get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Working out leads to perspiration (which may be “gross” but is important) that cleanses the body of toxins and promotes cellular growth.

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