Life’s Limitless Possibilities…

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lydia Hearst

Photo by Les Deux Garçons

   Every moment happening now makes up the present – right here and right now in your life doesn’t have to be enmeshed with your past. It’s entirely possible to start anew! Who hasn’t been hesitant at one time or another to “start over” and begin again with a new project, goal or relationship due to whatever occurred in the past? I know I have been before. The past is the past… That’s where it should stay. This moment here and now is entirely different and new, which gives you the choice to go in any direction you want.
   It’s unfortunate that for so many life and love can be dictated by fear. No one might ever fully understand what it truly is that makes you, you… But the way I see it, is that even if I end up crying I can’t help but remain hopeful and open myself up to the possibilities. Experiences and relationships are paramount – My relationships with people are what motivate and inspire me in my life. There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. Why not embrace each moment?! Life isn’t meant to be lived in comfort-zones… Take chances and don’t be afraid of the results – If you don’t challenge yourself you may never truly know yourself or grow. “Playing it safe” really just means that you’re going to miss out on a lot.
   A way to bridge a relationship with friends, family and those you love (including yourself!!) is to be honest with the heart and not just face literal truths. In life, there will always be risks that cause vulnerability and can sometimes lead to pain… BUT, sometimes the most cataclysmic changes in life come from pain. It’s important to remember that life is composed of moments – You have to take those moments as they come… Impulsively.

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