Smashed Pea Bruschetta

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lydia Hearst recipesWhether you crave creamy or crunchy, salty or sweet, this is the perfect snack for you!

Smashed Pea Bruschetta 

o   Ingredients

  • 2 cups Organic Sweet Peas
    • Peeled
  • 1 ½ tablespoon “prepared” Horseradish
    • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • 1 teaspoon flake salt
    • ¼ teaspoon fresh ground Pepper
  • 6 pieces Prosciutto (thinly sliced)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh mint
  • 1 ball mozzarella cheese
    • Sliced
  • 1 Baguette
    • Cut into slices ¼ inch thick

o   Directions

  • Spray and/or brush both sides of sliced baguette pieces with olive oil
    • Place slices on baking sheet and put in oven
    • Bake for approximately 2-3 minutes on each side
  • Remove baguette slices from oven and set aside
  • Take a skillet and sear Prosciutto on both sides
    • Two minutes on each side
  • Then remove from pan, set aside to let cool
    • Once cooled, slice into small pieces
    • Take a small saucepan and pour in 2 ½ cups water and add ½ teaspoon salt to water and bring to boil
  • Add Peas

o   Let cook for approximately 2 minutes (remaining al dente)

  • Drain Peas and set in processor
  • Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil, remaining Salt, Pepper, Horseradish and Mint
  • Process food for approximately 30 seconds
  • Put in serving bowl and mix in prosciutto
  • Spread mixture over each piece of sliced baguette and place mozzarella slices on top
  • Serve

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