New Year’s Resolutions 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Exercise more – Put down the cronuts and step away from the computer. It’s time to get in shape. My exercise recommendation for 2014 is BUTI Yoga – Try the 30 day slim-down challenge!

Bizzie Gold Buti Yoga


Spend more time with your loved ones – Remember to make to time for the people you love, not just in 2014, but always. Work comes and goes, but your family and friends are forever. Making time for the people who are important IS important.


Make someone smile – Seems simple, no? Actions speak volumes and make all the difference in the world and making one person smile can change the world – maybe not the whole world, but their world. By donating to Operation Smile you are giving a gift that can change and save a life. If you would like to donate visit

operation smile


Take a trip, have an adventure – More easily said than done. But why not make this the year to go on a trip of a lifetime?!

Lydia Hearst Machu Picchu


Relax, stop stressing – Every one of us could benefit from some stress relieving practices; unfortunately most of us are too stressed to even think about this. For starters, find out what is causing stress in your life – whatever the cause (career, family life, personal dramas, relationships, finances, etc…) – and take a deep breath, take care of yourself, try new ways of thinking about and approaching stressful situations, work on letting go of things you cannot change, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


Eat Right –  It’s time to start eating healthy and make better food choices for yourself. Making the right dietary and nutrition choices is and should be a necessary part of daily life – Instead of eating out every night start cooking, go to the farmer’s market and most importantly, eat organic and AVOID GMOs!

Lydia Hearst Healthy Recipes


Be happy –  Be yourself.  If others don’t like it, then let them be. Remember that personal success and happiness are not always related. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody; but remember that if you’re good to people, they’ll be good to you.

Lydia Hearst Smile


Learn something new – Whether you decide to take a course or read a book this is the most motivating New Year’s resolution to keep. Personally, I am going to learn a new musical instrument (I already play the flute and piccolo, maybe next I will learn the guitar or piano, possibly both?) in 2014.

Lydia Hearst Music


Watch THE FACE on Oxygen – Series Premier SPRING 2014


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